NPI Lookup 2023 - Find NPI Number Information (Updated Registry)
About NPI Lookup Tool
NPI lookup is an up-to-date NPI number database tool to find the healthcare providers information across USA. Although, there are variety of NPI number lookup tools available in the market but unfortunately they are failed to provide updated National Provider Identifier (NPI) records.
As a medical billing service provider, we can understand how much trouble it can cause if you get old/expired healthcare provider information. Xceed Billing Solutions motive is to create ease for healthcare providers and medical billers in every step of RCM so we have created most up-to-date NPI number lookup tool where the data is updated on daily basis.

Use of NPI Number Lookup Tool
Our NPI number lookup tool is used by thousands of people everyday to find healthcare providers information across USA. Xceed Billing Soutions NPI number lookup tool includes information of every type of registered healthcare provider which significantly include Physicians, Doctors, Nurses, Group NPI, Fax# and Organization. Our NPI lookup tool can be used to find practice name and other information(if searched by group NPI), healthcare provider MD. name, taxonomy code, specialty info, provider address, phone number, Tax ID, and billing contact person information(if any).
Frequently Asked Questions about NPI Number Lookup Tool
What is an NPI number?
The NPI number is a HIPAA (Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act) Administrative Simplification Standard. NPI is a 10 digit numeric unique identification for registered healthcare providers in USA. Registered healthcare providers, insurance health plans, and clearinghouses use NPIs in financial transactions and other administrative tasks.
What is NPI stands for?
The abbreviation of NPI is National Provider Identifier.
Who needs an NPI number?
According to HIPAA law of 1996, registered healthcare providers can also share their NPI numbers with other providers, insurance health plans, clearinghouses, and any entity like medical billing company that may need it for billing purposes.
What is an NPI number used for?
NPI number is used for identification of covered healthcare providers. With the help of NPI number lookup tool, you can view detailed information about any healthcare provider in USA. Moreover, NPI number is used for claim submission to insurance companies for performed healthcare services.
How do I find my NPI number?
You can find your NPI number by using XceedBillingSolutions NPI number lookup tool. We update NPI database on daily basis with the latest information about each and every NPI number or healthcare organizations as well as individual Healthcare Providers.